Advantages of Reducing Chemical Use in Swimming Pools
Using fewer chemicals in swimming pools has tremendous benefits. However, reducing chemical use can only be done if you have a system in place that can bridge the gap in helping maintain overall pool water balance. That’s where Clearwater Pool Systems comes in. We’ll look at this three-part system later in this article. In the meantime, let’s explore some advantages of reducing chemical use in swimming pools.
Cost Savings
When you reduce the amount of chemicals you use in your pool, you will be shocked at just how much money you save. Imagine all the fun things you could do with the extra cash. Clearwater Pool Systems helps you achieve pool pH control, balance total alkalinity, and maintain pool water balance all while cutting down on the need for expensive chemicals.
Long-Term Pool Health
The integrity of a swimming pool is preserved when it’s not filled with harsh chemicals. Chemicals can wear down the materials in your pool over time, leading to costly repairs and maintenance. Clearwater Pool Systems helps your pool stay in top shape for years to come. Plus, a healthier pool means a healthier swimming experience for you and your guests.
As you can see, reducing chemical use not only saves money, but also helps ensure your pool stays in great condition. Clearwater Pool Systems consists of: 1) a CO2 injection for pools that helps maintain pool pH control (pHPure), 2) a pool ionization system (MineralPURE), and 3) an ultraviolet ozone system (OzoneMAX.)
Please visit our website to learn more about how the affordable Clearwater Pool Systems can benefit you. Commercial pool operators can contact the nearest authorized dealer or e-mail us at We invite you to give it a try today!