Seasonal Pool Maintenance Overview – Prepping for Fall and Winter
We’ve discussed daily, weekly, and monthly pool maintenance tips in previous articles. Adapting your maintenance routine to the changing seasons is also crucial for long term pool care. Our next series of articles will offer a brief overview on seasonal pool maintenance adjustments to consider.
Falling leaves and debris are inevitable during the autumn season. It’s extremely important to regularly skim these items from the pool surface to prevent staining and clogged skimmer baskets. Also, be sure to adjust chemical levels as needed to maintain pool water balance and pool pH control and also to balance total alkalinity. Now is also the time to begin thinking about preparing your pool for winter closing, if applicable.
If you live in an area that experiences freezing temperatures, be sure to properly close your pool to protect it from cold weather and other potential damage before winter arrives. Lower the pool water level, perform necessary equipment maintenance, add winterizing chemicals, and securely cover your pool.
Our next article will discuss swimming pool maintenance tips for the spring and summer seasons.
Clearwater Pool Systems has taken the guess work out of maintaining pool water balance and pool pH control and making it super simple to balance total alkalinity. This revolutionary solution for both residential and commercial swimming pools includes:
- An ultraviolet ozone system – OzoneMAX
- A pool ionization system – MineralPURE
- A CO2 injection for pools that helps maintain pool pH control – pHPure
Each component can be purchased separately or bought together as the complete Clearwater Pool Systems. Explore our website to learn more. Commercial pool operators can contact the nearest authorized dealer or e-mail us at Give Clearwater Pools Systems a try today!