MineralPURE® Mineral Ionization
Reduce Chlorine use up to 90%
Purifying Water the Way Nature Intended it to Be
The MineralPURE ionization system consists of a state-of the-art micro-processor control box and a scientifically designed set of electrodes composed of copper or copper/silver. These are set slightly apart from one another. Water is passed through a specially designed flow cell chamber that houses the electrodes. The control box works by generating a precise, low-voltage, DC current (at milliamp levels) to the electrodes.
Basically, the current causes some of the outermost atoms of the electrodes to lose an electron, thus becoming positive ions. While the water is running through the chamber, many of these ions are swept away before they can reach the other side of the electrodes. As a result, copper or copper & silver ions are dispersed into the body of water that is being purified.
The greatest benefit of copper or copper/silver ionization is that the ions remain in the water providing a residual protection. They provide long-term, nontoxic purification and prevent against recontamination. Unlike most types of sanitizers, the copper and silver ions remain in the water until they flocculate, or form masses with the algae and bacteria and then become large enough to be removed by the filtering equipment. When the “used” copper and silver ions are removed, the microprocessor control box is always producing new ions to continuously sanitize the water.
History of Copper/Silver Ionization
The MineralPURE system incorporates technology that was actually discovered thousands of years ago and has been used in various applications.
Ancient Egyptians
The ancient Egyptians kept their water in silver containers to prevent contamination.
Middle Ages
During the plague-ridden Middle Ages, mothers knew to place a silver spoon in an infant’s mouth to ward off disease.
Early American Pioneers
Early American pioneers moving west across the continent put copper and silver coins in large wooden water casks to provide them with safe drinking water during their long voyage. When the wagons rolled, the agitation rolled, thus causing the coins to discharge ions (an electrically charged particle) into the water. The copper ions help control algae while the silver ions help control bacteria and viruses.
Silver sulfadiazine is the most widely used antibacterial treatment for burns or open wounds. Many people die from severe burns because of lack of bacteria treatment.
Dentists have used silver to fill cavities for decades because of its strong antibacterial features.