Swimming Pool Prep For the Spring Season

We are continuing our series of articles discussing some tips to help you prepare your swimming pool for spring. Our previous article covered the importance of doing a deep clean of your pool, evaluating your pool water balance, and checking the condition of your equipment. Today, we will look at more tips to consider.
Review Safety Measures
Safety always comes first! Take a moment to review the safety measures around your pool area. Ensure that your pool fence is secure and in good condition, with no gaps or loose sections that could allow unauthorized access. Check that your pool gates are self-closing and self-latching to prevent accidents. Consider installing or updating pool alarms for an added layer of security and peace of mind.
Plan for Regular Maintenance
It’s all about consistency! Create a maintenance schedule that works for you to keep your pool in pristine condition throughout the spring months. This could include tasks such as skimming the surface, checking pool water balance, and cleaning out the filters. Additionally, consider scheduling regular professional cleanings and maintenance to stay on top of any potential issues before they become major headaches.
As the weather warms up, it will become time to open your pool for the upcoming swim season. Remove the cover, clean and inspect all equipment, check pool water balance, balance total alkalinity, maintain pool pH control, and ensure proper filtration. Following the top pool maintenance tips we’ve outlined in this series of articles will help ensure you are well on your way to springing into swim season with a sparkling pool ready for endless enjoyment.
If you haven’t already done so, consider investing in the three-part Clearwater Pool Systems. This revolutionary system can help prevent a muriatic acid swimming pool and make it less expensive and easier to balance total alkalinity, maintain pool pH control and achieve pool water balance. Clearwater Pool Systems includes a pool ionization system (MineralPURE®), a CO2 injection for pools that helps maintain pool pH control (pHPure), and an ultraviolet ozone system (OzoneMAX™ ). Residential models are available online at Home Depot. Commercial pool operators can contact the nearest authorized dealer or e-mail us at sales@clearwaterenviro.com.