Saving Money with a Chemical Free Pool Treatment System
We’ve talked extensively about how pool chlorine alternatives provide a healthy option for people trying to reduce chlorine use. However, now it’s time to talk bottom line. The Clearwater Pool System offers a chemical free pool treatment option which will save you a significant amount of both time and money over the long term.
MineralPURE is the pool ionizer that is part of the Clearwater Pool System. It is designed to not only purify the water, but have a residual affect that provides ongoing protection.
OzoneMAX, also part of the Clearwater Pool System, uses ozone to purify the water as it binds with oxidizing substances such as viruses, bacteria, algae, mold, suntan lotion, body oils and urine. While no system completely eliminates the need for chlorine, the Clearwater Pool System significantly reduces it. Together, MineralPURE and OzoneMAX are the healthiest and most cost-efficient chemical free pool treatment systems available.
The Clearwater Pool System is so reliable and provides such a cost savings, even marine aquariums, commercial pools and water parks use it. Homeowners associations are finding it to be a cost-effective solution as well.
Bottom line, using chlorine as the sole pool sanitizer is very costly and time consuming. Chlorine also wreaks havoc on your pipes and filters. If you want to reduce chlorine use and save money on both chemicals and maintenance, consider the Clearwater Pool System. Once you install it, you’ll never go back to using chlorine as you sole pool sanitizer again.