Protecting the Elderly from Potential Side Effects of Pool Chemicals

We are continuing our series of articles discussing ways to protect the elderly from the potential side effects of pool chemicals. As we mentioned in our previous article, pool chemicals are used to maintain pool water balance and pool pH control / balance total alkalinity. However, if you treat your pool exclusively with chemicals, you run the risk of having to deal with the potential harmful effects of a highly chlorinated and/or muriatic acid swimming pool. Let’s look at more ways to help protect elderly swimmers from the harmful effects of pool chemicals.
Limit Their Time In The Pool
The longer someone stays in the pool, the greater their chance of absorbing harmful chemicals through their skin. Consider keeping swim sessions short, especially for elderly individuals.
If You Notice Any Chemical Reaction, Get Help Right Away
If at any time you notice an elderly individual experiencing skin redness (other than sunburn), rash, irritated eyes, difficulty breathing, coughing, or any other symptoms that are out of the ordinary, seek help right away. They could be experiencing a reaction to the chlorine and/or a muriatic acid swimming pool and may need medical attention.
One of the best ways to reduce the risks that chemicals pose to anyone, including the elderly, is to incorporate a solution that reduces the amount of pool chemicals required to achieve a healthy pool water balance and balance total alkalinity. The three-part Clearwater Pool Systems (CPS) is an innovative and effective way to maintain pool pH control and pool water balance with less chemicals:
MineralPURE® – a pool ionization system
OzoneMAX™ – an ultraviolet ozone system
pHPure™ – a CO2 injection for pools
If you’re a homeowner and want to learn more about how CPS can benefit you, we encourage you to contact us today. If you operate a commercial pool, please connect with the authorized dealer nearest to you or e-mail us at